Job shadowing allows you to preview an array of professions of your interest and explore a variety of career settings: hospital, rehabilitation center, private clinic, school, etc. Shadowing experience is expected by all professional programs and required by some.
Job Shadowing Information Packet
Create a Profile on our 体育菠菜大平台 Health Sciences Shadowing Portal and connect with providers to set-up shadowing experiences.
HSCI 125 - Orientation Classes: Shadowing for Credit
- You may receive one credit hour for your 35-40 hour shadowing experience by registering for HSCI 125 Orientation classes. Specific HSCI 125 sections exist for different professions. The course can be repeated in subsequent semesters for additional credit if another 35-40 hours of shadowing is completed.
- For students who would like to shadow a variety of professions for 40 hours and receive credit, a more general section of HSCI 125 is available titled “Orientation to Health Sciences”.
- Shadowing is extremely important, but receiving credit is not required.
- The shadowing experience can be done anywhere for credit (it does not need to be done in Kearney). An electronic permit must be obtained from the Shadowing Coordinator prior to enrollment in the course and the beginning of the shadowing experience.
- It is recommended to shadow a variety of settings and different professionals. Feel free to split the hours among several places.
- To receive credit, you must keep a detailed journal while shadowing utilizing Canvas.
- You and each healthcare professional you shadow must fill out evaluation forms.
- The journal and the evaluations are turned in for grading at the end of the semester or summer.
- Visit with the Health Science Shadowing Coordinator to obtain the electronic permit and learn how the class must be completed.
- Register for the credit hour during fall, spring or summer. Please double check when you register to ensure that you appropriately registered for the correct course during the correct term.
- Copies of the evaluation forms can be found on Canvas.